264c Koenigsberg - Park Hotel. Durch die Inflation war die Kaufmannschaft von Koenigsberg nicht mehr in der Lage die Kosten für die Immobilie des Boersengartens zu tragen und verkaufte das Grundstueck 1929. ...
... a little family bvacation/b nostalgia. I just watched Colbert's interview with Ken Burns--two of my favorite people to spend TV time with--and set aside the next 6 Sundays on my bcalendar/b for Ken Burns's "The National Parks: America's Best Idea. ... Yes, we've taken lots of family bvacations/b there, and the kids loved panning for gold, but, really, way to ruin God's Country, folks. The contrast between national bpark/b land and the rest of the Black Hills is pretty astounding. ...
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